The project “Social Farming at the Service of Cenptra (National Center for Prevention of Drug Treatment)” carried out by ASeS in the district of Asuncion in Paraguay with the contribution derived from the 8‰ from the Waldensian Church went ahead despite the many difficulties brought about by the Covid that also affected this Latin American country.

Initial work, in accordance with the Cenptra director, focused on infrastructure. In fact, the first purchase was a power tiller to prepare a plot of land to be used as a vegetable garden within the Center complex where the project beneficiaries are housed.
Immediately afterwards, a rain canal was created, a fence with concrete poles to secure it, and the first crops of produce began to be grown, which were then delivered to the center’s kitchen, since there is currently no direct contact with the patients.
In mid-October to give an official start to the implementation of the project, a sign with the logos of the participants was installed in the presence of Dr. Manuel Fresco director of the Center.

Now construction has also begun on the small greenhouse, provided for in the project, which will be dedicated to preparing seedlings and growing ornamental plants with the intention of soon being able to start interacting with the patients who are the project’s target audience.
Work has also begun on a tank, also within the center complex, to improve the rearing system for Tilapia, a widely consumed freshwater fish.
Starting next year, after this first part of the project is completed, it is also planned to build infrastructure to enable the breeding of small animals, such as goats and rabbits, for therapeutic rather than productive purposes.