LOCATION: Bandundu District
COUNTERPARTY: ISEA (Institut Supérieur des Etudes Agronomiques); CADIM (Centre d’Appui au Développement Intégral Mbankana); UACTB (Union des Associations de Commerçants Transporteurs du Bandundu) de Kinshasa
; ENTREPRENDRE/CEDITA (Centre de Développement et d’Information sur les Technologies Appropriées) de Kinshasa; GAID (Groupe d’Appui aux Initiatives de Développement) de Kenge.
The five initiatives aimed to test paths of endogenous local development made durable through the social organization of the rural world on a provincial scale. Local development actions were intended to strengthen the role of Village Development Committees (CDVs) and their Coordinations (CCDVs) by providing them with operational content for socio-economic change. The package of initiatives promoted was, therefore, aimed at fostering the enhancement of synergies between the rural socio-organizational structure initiated by the Food Security intervention and initiatives advanced by external actors chosen as partners. Institutional strengthening and local capacity building measures have been provided for actors working in the significant rural development sectors of local communities, specifically:
Improving the living conditions of farming families through the development of mini-livestock farms in villages around Kenge;
Promotion of agricultural development and improvement of cultivation techniques in Feshi territory, Bandundu Province;
Improving the operating and hygienic conditions of Kinshasa’s supply of local food products;
Improving the living conditions of farming families in Kwango District through the promotion of local processing of major agricultural food products;
Promotion of fruit arboriculture in the Bandundu region.