LOCATION: Municipalities of San Juan Bta., Santa Rosa and Santiago, Misiones Dept.
DURATION: 12 months
COUNTY: ASeS PY / Municipalities of San Juan Bta., Santa Rosa and Santiago

DRAFT approved by resolution of the B. of A. of ASeS dated 01.06.12

The project suggests the creation of a process to promote and strengthen the technical, organizational and financial capacities of small producers in order to incorporate new crops into their farms. In particular, the mint and mburukuya crops, represent the strategic product of the companies Laboratorio y Herboristerìa Santa Margarita (Kurupi) and the Kress Group (Frutika), which, in fact, have guaranteed the purchase of the production obtained, as well as the technical support of their specialists in this branch of production, thus offering the possibility of extending the range of alternative income items for small producers.

Nearly tripling the initial forecast, 140 families were involved

in the supply chains of medicinal fruits and herbs, with at least ½ hectare of good productivity, so as to articulate a network of actors from different commodity sectors, generating improved household income and living conditions.