LOCATION: Municipality of Villa Hayes
COUNTY: Parish of Nuestra Señora de Victoria – Villa Hayes
The municipality pledged to provide the land on which the new neighborhood would be built, ASeS to pay for the materials for the construction of the 50 houses and the community hall, as well as the salaries of three staff members hired on site: a project leader and two builders.
The Parish and the Municipality selected beneficiary families based on their economic conditions and needs, with special attention given to single mothers with dependent children who, although the most marginalized group, also represent the strongest and most determined individuals in the fight against poverty. The participatory approach consisted of the direct involvement of beneficiaries in all stages of implementation. It was decided to proceed by blocks of ten houses; after finishing a block of houses, all manufactured on the same basic model, the houses were numbered and drawn lots among the beneficiary families.
The self-help method had the consequence of carrying out, through normal project implementation, technical training of beneficiaries such as bricklayers, plumbers and electricians. Such training has enabled many to position themselves more competitively in the labor market and improve their economic conditions.