5 x 1000 to ASeS - Farmers, Solidarity and Development - a gesture that costs nothing and is worth a great deal.
The association has always represented the solidarity of Italian agricultural entrepreneurs, united in the CIA – Agricoltori Italiani (of which ASeS is the expression and for which it deals with international cooperation); in fact, the Italian agricultural world has always made its expertise available, even in the first person, for the development and growth of small communities of farmers and growers in the countries of the global south.
This direct thread between Italian farmers and farmers in developing countries represents what we call the farmer-to-farmer approach and is part of our vision for cooperation, which takes the form of long-term integrated and sustainable agricultural development projects.
But Italian farmers are not the only ones who support us: we have managed to carry on our international cooperation activities for more than 30 years thanks to the help of so many individuals who follow and help us every day, including through donations such as 5×1000.

This form of donation is very important to us:
- thanks also to donations collected through the 5×1000 we have managed to implement more than 60 international cooperation projects in 10 countries around the world, including Italy;
- we have succeeded in significantly improving the quality of life of more than 300,000 people who are direct recipients of the projects;
- we have raised more than 13 million euros and have managed to keep expenses to a minimum: operating expenses are less than 10 percent, one of the lowest percentages in the industry.
This is because 5×1000 is a very effective form of fundraising and is above all free: in fact, donating 5×1000 costs nothing! In fact, donating 5×1000 means donating part of the taxes you pay to the state each year to a deserving organization.
Donating 5×1000 to ASeS is simple: just enter your ASeS tax ID number
within one’s tax return or ask one’s accountant to do so.
But we can do even more: help us reach even more people! Although it is free to do so and we have been talking about 5×1000 for many years now, still many people in Italy do not donate it. Help us reach even more people by talking about this possibility and sharing this page on social networks-this will enable us to carry out even more projects and thus support the growth of small rural communities in the Global South.
And here are some examples of what we have accomplished over the years.